What makes San Tan Water Solutions different?

We still do business the old fashion way. Our products are made in the United States. We spend our money upgrading our equipment rather than on infomercials, high name and cost endorsements, or running radio commercials every five minutes. Since we are local we design our equipment specific to the area so that we do [...]

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on What makes San Tan Water Solutions different?

Do I need something for drinking water if I have a softener?

Yes, a separate solution would be suggested if you only have soft water. The softening resin does not target chemicals and as such soft water will not rectify the taste of the water. Thus you would need to look at an option such as Reverse Osmosis or Whole House Filtration. Give us a call and [...]

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Do I need something for drinking water if I have a softener?

What kind of salt should I use?

This is a personal choice as San Tan Water Solutions does not require that any specific salt or potassium be used in its products. Although we do not endorse or require a specific brand to be used Mortens System Saver II pellets are the personal preference of our employees.

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on What kind of salt should I use?

Don’t RO’s waste a lot of water?

Reverse Osmosis can be very wasteful at times wasting 4-5 gallons of water for every 1 gallon it produces. San Tan Water Solutions understands that water is a precious resource and as such we utilize Go Green Reverse Osmosis’s which have discharge 1 gallon of water for every 1 gallon it produces. Unlike Zero Waste [...]

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Don’t RO’s waste a lot of water?

Why does the water taste bad?

Much like the odors in water taste is heavily influenced by chemicals. Heavy metals and mineral content can also have an impact on taste. When looking at how water is treated with chemicals and disinfected with chlorine it easy to see why the water taste so unpleasant.

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Why does the water taste bad?

Why does the water smell bad?

Smelly water can be caused by several different factors. The most common of odors in water, especially municipal water is chemicals. Chlorine is used as a disinfectant which has its own smell. However chlorine can react with other organic material in the water creating other odors. On occasion odors can also indicate a bacteria presence. [...]

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Why does the water smell bad?

How do water softeners work?

Water softeners utilize a resin to facilitate an ion exchange. As water passes through the resin bed in a softener the resin will exchange a sodium chloride (soft) ion for calcium or magnesium (hard) ion. Thus, the resin removes the hard water ions from the water.

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on How do water softeners work?

Do I need a water softener?

Water softeners are necessary in Arizona in order to protect the plumbing, faucets, and appliances. As such there is no requirement for a water softener, but living without one can be hard; on everything that uses water.

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Do I need a water softener?

Is hard water harmful?

Yes, just ask any of your appliances! Hard water is very damaging to faucets, showerheads, toilets, appliances; pretty much anything that uses water. As for humans hard water causes dry skin and can irritate skin issues such as eczema and acne.

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Is hard water harmful?

What causes hard water?

Hard water can be caused by water percolating through limestone as it seeps down to the water table. Since water is the greatest solvent it also has the ability to wear down rocks as the water passes over the rocks. Since Arizona has no shortage of rocks and is not known for lush soil the [...]

By | June 29th, 2016|Comments Off on What causes hard water?